Water Conservation and Drought Response Restrictions In Effect

Posted: June 22, 2022 | Category: Water Conservation


The Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) remains committed to Making Water Conservation a Regular Way of Life. California continues to experience impacts from severe drought conditions. To address these impacts, the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted new statewide emergency water conservation drought regulations, which went into effect June 10, 2022. These newly adopted regulations prohibit the following:

  • Commercial, industrial, and institutional sites, including HOAs and Common Interest Developments from using potable water for irrigating “non-functional turf” (turf defined as mowed grass). Exemption to the regulation includes turf areas used for recreation or other community activities, residential lawns, or irrigation of trees and other non-turf plantings.

For SWRCB’s Frequently Asked Questions and more information on their new emergency water conservation regulations, visit www.bit.ly/conservationreg.

As additionally required by SWRCB, TCPUD Stage 2 Drought Response is in effect for all TCPUD water customers. This includes a mandatory 20% reduction in overall water consumption across TCPUD’s service area.

By reducing your water usage, especially outdoors where the biggest water savings can be achieved and taking advantage of available conservation rebates for indoor appliances, you can do your part to help conserve our water resources and protect the reliability of our drinking water supply and capacity for fire protection.

For more information about the conservation measures in effect under Ordinance No. 304 “Water Conservation and Drought Response Standards” and other ways you can help conserve our water resources, visit Water Conservation.